Python is very famous and versatile programming language for easy to understand and simple to use. One of the most important feature of Python that addition to its power and flexibility is its extensive support for multiple data types.

Data types are very  important element because they help Python understand and easy to different kinds of data.  we will explore in detail of Python fundaments of data types, and its characters, and how to use these in our code.

Data Types in Python Ultimate Guide
Data Types in Python Ultimate Guide

 Int (Integers Datatype):

 Integers  datatype are  numbers, all positive or negative, numeric values without a decimal point. 

Like, a = 5, b=123.

 Float (Floating Datatype):

Floating datatype in this data type are valid for float number that use  point numbers are numbers that included a decimal point.

Like, z = 1.122.,

Str (String Datatype):

String datatype we use simple alphabets  Strings are used to represent  data expect numeric. We use to write quotations that we write in single (' '), double (" "), or triple (''' ' ''', or """ """ ) quotes. 

Like, a=("Ali")

 Lists Datatype:

Lists is a datatype in which we write collection of items. In sequence. List is a mutable collections of items. They can contain elements of different data types. We represent with [] with brackets.

Like, a=[111, "ali", 444]

Tuples Datatype: 

Tuples is a datatype it which we also write collection of data in sequence or ordered, Tuple is immutable collections collection of data. Once we create data in tuple, their elements cannot be changed. We represent with () with brackets

Like, z = (111, 2,"aaa" 3).


Range is a sequence of numbers commonly used for iterating in loops.

Like, range = range(1, 9).

None Type:

None Datatype: None is a special data type in Python that represents the absence of a value. It is often used to initialize variables or indicate that a function does not return any value.

Data Types in Python Ultimate Guide
Data Types in Python Ultimate Guide

Mapping Datatypes:


Dictionaries are unordered collections of key-value pairs. They are used to store and retrieve data efficiently. For example, person = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}.

Set Data Types


Sets are unordered collections of unique elements. They are useful for tasks like removing duplicates from a list. \

Like, my_set = {7, 8, 9}.

b. Frozen Sets: Frozen sets are similar to sets but are immutable. Once created, their elements cannot be modified.

Like, my_frozen_set = frozenset([4, 5, 6]).

Boolean Data Type

Booleans represent truth values, either True or False. They are often used for control flow and conditional statements.

Binary Data Types

 Bytes: Bytes represent a sequence of bytes. They are often used when working with binary data.

Byte Arrays : Byte arrays are mutable sequences of bytes. They can be modified after creation.

Custom Data Types

In addition to the built-in data types, Python allows you to create your own custom data types using classes. This feature is one of the reasons Python is an object-oriented programming language.