Auto GPT vs Chat GPT what next in AI
Auto GPT vs Chat GPT what next in AI

Auto-GPT is most latest and updated version of AI tool that has take the tech industry in next level. that launch on GitHub by Significant Gravitas on 30th of March 2023, Its Open-Source Python application powered by GPT-4 and is capacity to perform any tasks with less or no human intervention. 

 Its is based on Chat GPT  framework, Auto-GPT has a latest and unique feature of making decisions independently, that features is not present in Chat GPT. Auto-GPT is more efficient and experimental AI tool that is transform the feature of artificial intelligence.

It is consider to be the first example of artificial general intelligence (AGI), that is also a type of AI that can able to perform human-level intellectual tasks. Its features are so advanced that it has get attention from the tech community to the next big invention in AI.

Auto GPT vs Chat GPT what next in AI
Auto GPT vs Chat GPT what next in AI

Chat GPT, required human to that carry out even the simplest tasks, Auto-GPT depend on a AI agents to make decisions and get actions base on rules & goal. On other hand technology may seem like a far-off dream, Now it is already use in many users practical applications.

Now, we discuss differentiate between Auto-GPT from Chat GPT, how it perform? we will describe the technology behind Auto-GPT and how it goes to tech industry to revolutionize the future of AI.

 Major difference between Auto-GPT & Chat GPT: 

Auto-GPT and Chat GPT are base on the same technology, but they different in their functionality. Main difference between the two is that Auto-GPT can function without need any human agents, On the other hand Chat GPT depends on human dependent to operate. Auto-GPT can self dependent and every of a problem without the need for human intervention. 

if you ask Auto-GPT to plan a wedding event party, it develop a theme, create also guest lists, send invitations, and even shop for gifts, all on its own. Auto-GPT operates similar way to Chat GPT, with the addition of AI agents.

Auto GPT vs Chat GPT what next in AI
Auto GPT vs Chat GPT what next in AI

AI agents can be programmed to make decisions and take actions based on a set of rules and predetermined goals. The technology is comparable to having a personal assistant that can perform tasks on your behalf, like schedule appointments or send emails. 

AI agent function on the rules of limited access. As a personal assistant can only carry out tasks that are within their scope of access, an AI agent is only as powerful as the access it is given using an API.
For example, an AI agent with internet access can look for information but cannot make purchases on your behalf. However, if an AI agent has access to your computer, it could potential search and install app that it considers necessary for achieving it goal.

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